At Ford Dynasty Wrestling Club, we are strong believers in the ability of our youth to succeed. Our programming and activities are designed to help our youth reach their goals and fulfill their highest potential through the sport of wrestling. We are proud of all our children, and love watching them grow into bright-minded and confident individuals. See how we’re involved in making a difference in our children’s lives.
You are your own worst enemy.
Learn to be self-sufficient.
Push yourself inside and outside the practice room.
You will be provided with the tools to be successful if you are willing to learn.
You will learn how to self-analyze, break down film, get in shape, and most of all wrestle to win.
Learn to be a leader, lead by example, help before you are asked to, and show gratitude.
Allow myself and the other coaches to pull the untapped potential out of you.
We target at risk youth athletes and provide them with proper training and technique in the sport of wrestling all while building character in a structure based environment regardless of financial hardship.
Be disciplined. Do the right things when nobody is around.
Never make yourself, Coaches, Family, or School look bad because of a poor choice.
Believe in the process.
Always give maximum effort.
Leave anger and frustrations outside of the club.
Always have a positive attitude.
Put others up, not down.
Always be on time. If your early you’re on time.
Give Adults and Coaches respect.
Help keep teammates accountable.
Set goals, achieve them, and set more.
Maintain the grades you are CAPABLE of.
Love your family.
Write your own destiny.
Never quit, deal with adversity and overcome it.
Be a part of something that is different and special.
As a team we will always push to be the best on and off the mat.
Learn to stay focused and eliminate distractions.
Family, Academics, and then wrestling.
You earn the right to be a part of something great by maintaining a healthy family relationship and handling your classwork.
Expectations will be set to not only make all practices but to be early or on time.
You will give 110% effort to fine tune and learn skills to help you win on the mat.
Our team goal is to ALWAYS be the best we can be as a unit.
The bigger and better the team becomes, the bigger and better the goals become.
We will teach a championship lifestyle.
Be first to finish workouts, Be the first person in class, sit in the First Row, Get the best Grades, etc.
Be Great in everything that you do.
Win with class, lose with class, as long as you have class you can’t Lose.
We will teach life lessons to develop young men and women into great people.